Sunday, February 25, 2007

Wikipedia Edit Post

So today I made my first attempt to edit one of my Watchlist articles on Wikipedia. The article I chose to edit was the article on Forever21, a popular clothing store that I personally frequent. The article contains a lot of the basic information, but one important feature that I believe it lacked was information about the website the store created. As many people have seen, traditionally brick and mortar stores have tried to incorporate the beauty of the Web by creating their very own website. The internet has become a very important tool for businesses to attract new customers as well as provide new buying opportunities for current consumers. Forever 21's website allows shoppers to not only view most of their collection, it also allows them to possibly make a purchase right from the computer. Here is the link to the article including my edit . I welcome anyone's comments or opinions.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Second Introductory Post

The main reason why I created this blog is for one of my classes at the University of Delaware - Buad 477. In this class we are learning about IT applications used in all areas of business, especially marketing. Blogging has become one of the most popular and effective marketing techniques in recent years. The class blog Buad477 explains some of the course objectives and projects. I hope to gain an understanding of blogging with this course, and possibly use it in my everyday life.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

First Post

Hello. My name is Tricia Lyons and I am a student at the University of Delaware where I am studying Marketing and Managememt and minoring in International Business and Legal Studies. I hope to one day day go to law school and become a corporate lawyer.
In my free time I enjoy traveling, running, shopping, dancing, and spending time with my friends and family.