Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Yet Another Wiki Edit

I recently made another wikipedia edit on my article about Febreze. This product which started out as a simple odor-eliminating spray with a natural fresh scent, has increasingly and continuously been expanding its product line to gain greater market share and compete in the marketplace. Although there is a product line expansion section in the Febreze article on Wikipedia, I believe it does not fully give the reader an idea of the extent and type of expansion Febreze products' are undergoing.

It is for this reason that I once again edited this Product Expansion section and talked about the new Laundry Odor Eliminator that Febreze created as an addition to laundry care to help get rid of those nasty odors and stains. This product is attackin odor problems within the realm of laundry, whereas the spray was just for anytime use. This product is a good example of Febreze entering a new arena, hoping for its satisfied consumers to buy one of their extensions, and as a way to attract new customers. A link to my edit: Febreze - Laundry Odor Eliminator

Monday, April 16, 2007

Wikipedia Edit Post

I recently did another edit on my Forever 21 Wikipedia article. The article currently gives the basics about this retail chain, but I want to give a little more specific information to give the readers a better picture of what the store is like.

It is for this reason that I added information about the classic glass-paneled storefront, that really is one of its distinguishing features as a store. I know that if I am in a mall that I am unfamiliar with and I see those glass panels from far away without even seeing the store name - I know it is a Forever 21. This type of distinguishing feature is very useful in marketing for it is great brand/product recognition, similar to their classic yellow bags. Here is the link to my edit: Forever 21 Edit

Friday, April 6, 2007

Study Abroad Wiki Edit

I recently made an edit to one of my Wikipedia articles on Study Abroad. I edited the section regarding the topic of why people study abroad. There already is information about people who study abroad for complete language immersion for there is obviously no better way to become fluent in a language than to be surrounded by people that speak it and interact with it every day. I completely agree with this thought. There is also talk of using study abroad as a tool to get into a prestigious university, say if you were lucky enough to study abroad in your high school years. Although this reason might not sound as glamorous, I have no doubt this factor is the impetus behind some decisions to study abroad.

But to me, having been a former student on study abroad, one driving force and motivation to study abroad that I found severely lacking and unmentioned in the article is the pure experience. The opportunity to be submerged into a completely new culture that has different values, lifestyles, and daily habits is such an amazing learning experience about people all over the world. Study abroad opens up one's eyes to see that not everyone lives as we ourselves do, or works for the same goals, or lives in similar places. This "enlightenment", I believe, is the best part about study abroad, and by far the best reason to study abroad. One can learn so much about the complex world, and in the process can not help but learn more about oneself. Here is the link: Study Abroad Edit #2