Friday, March 23, 2007

Comments on Colette's Post

I recently read one of Colette's posts on an article she found about mainstream media. She talks about a woman named Penelope Trunk, and how she was holding an upcoming conference in New York City about the importance of blogging in the business world. I agree with Colette that conferences such as these are extremely important because blogging is becoming an almost neccesary business practice. Colette also notes about how Penelope is focusing on women bloggers. Not only are women gaining more high-level exectuive positions in the workplace, I believe the fact that women tend to be more emotional creatures and can easily express their feelings only helps the quality of their blogs.

If there is anything this class has taught me, its that the world of marketing changes so quickly, and it is important to stay on top of your game. I think blogging is an excellent way for companies and their employees to stay on top of their game and market themselves to the consumers. Having the ability to control what you say and not leave it up to misinterpretation by a bunch of journalists is a great advantage that must be taken seriously.
Here is a link to the post: Colette's Post

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